
The brandstrategists.be website is managed by comma ltd. at the registered office in 8210 Zedelgem, Torhoutsesteenweg 411. Registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under business number 0870.268.954.

limited responsibility

The information provided on the various pages of this website are solely informative in nature. The inquiries and services referred to are general. Therefore, rights cannot be derived to the information provided.

We strive to keep the information as accurate and complete as possible. Despite its continuous efforts providing correct information, comma, brand strategists is not responsible for any mistakes made by human error or IT systems, to its website’s visitors, third parties, except for deliberate deception made by comma, brand strategists. In this way, comma, brand strategists’ responsibility is being limited for incomplete or incorrect information, as well as faulty interpretation of the website, subject to serious misconduct or fraud on the part of comma, brand strategists

comma, brand strategists can in no way be held liable for direct, indirect or exceptional damage or loss as a result of use of information provided on this website in relation to the risks of specific to financial services.

comma, brand strategists cannot be held liable for damage caused by using the information provided on this website, nor by information provided by on possible hyperlinks. Nor can comma, brand strategists be held liable for possible viruses occurring on this website.

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The information provided on comma, brand strategists’ website in its entirety, brand name and logo included, is protected by the intellectual property rights. This information can solely be used for personal use. Unless prior written permission by comma, brand strategists is obtained, reproductions are not allowed.

applicable law and competent courts

Any remarks in relation to the content of the website, including the text of this disclaimer, should be addressed to info@brandstrategists.be. The Belgian legislation is applicable to all possible disputes regarding the use of the website www.brandstrategists.be. Any disputes should be addressed exclusively to the court of the judicial district where comma, brand strategists’ corporate headquarters is located, namely the jurisdiction of the Bruges courts. For further questions regarding this disclaimer, contact us via info@brandstrategists.be.